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Literaturliste von Dr. rer. nat. Anja Katharina Huemer

letzte Aktualisierung: 08.05.2024

Kastl, E. M. & Huemer, A. K. (2024). Ein Baustein zur Mobilitätswende? . Wirksamkeit und Wirkfaktoren des 9-Euro-Tickets. Report Psychologie, 49(4), 15-19.

Berghoefer, F. L., Huemer, A. K. & Vollrath, M. (2023). Look right! The influence of bicycle crossing design on drivers' approaching behavior. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 95, 98-111.

Berghöfer, F. L. & Huemer, A. K. (2022). Gestaltung von Radfahrerfurten und Fahrerblickverhalten. ZVS - Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 68(2), 84-89.

Huemer, A. K., Banach, E., Bolten, N., Helweg, S., Koch, A. & Martin, T. (2022). Secondary task engagement, risk-taking, and safety-related equipment use in German bicycle and e-scooter riders - An observation. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 172, No. 106685.

Huemer, A. K., Strauß, F. M. & Vollrath, M. (2021). Funken beim Fahren - Ablenkungswirkung eines Funkgeräte-Mikrofons während der Fahrt. ZVS - Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 67(4), 215-222.

Vollrath, M., Clifford, C. & Huemer, A. K. (2021). Even experienced phone users drive worse while texting - A driving simulator study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 78, 218-225.

Huemer, A. K., Gercek, S. & Vollrath, M. (2019). Secondary task engagement in German cyclists - An observational study. Safety Science, 120, 290-298.

Oehl, M., Brandenburg, S. & Huemer, A. K. (2019). Cyclists' anger experiences in traffic: The cycling anger scale. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 62, 564-574.

Oehl, M., Brandenburg, S. & Huemer, A. K. (2019). German bike messengers' experiences and expressions of cycling anger. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(7), 753-758.

Vollrath, M., Huemer, A. K. & Nicolai, C. (2019). Young people use their smartphone all the time - Even when crossing the street? IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(8), 1213-1217.

Huemer, A. K. (2018). Cycling under the influence of alcohol in Germany. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 56, 408-419.

Huemer, A. K. (2018). Motivating and deterring factors for two common traffic-rule violations of cyclists in Germany. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 54, 223-235.

Huemer, A. K., Oehl, M. & Brandenburg, S. (2018). Influences on anger in German urban cyclists. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, 969-979.

Huemer, A. K., Schumacher, M., Mennecke, M. & Vollrath, M. (2018). Systematic review of observational studies on secondary task engagement while driving. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 119, 225-236.

Vollrath, M., Huemer, A. K., Teller, C., Likhacheva, A. & Fricke, J. (2016). Do German drivers use their smartphones safely? - Not really! Accident Analysis and Prevention, 96, 29-38.

Huemer, A. K. & Vollrath, M. (2012). Learning the Lane Change Task: Comparing different training regimes in semi-paced and continuous secondary tasks. Applied Ergonomics, 43(5), 940-947.

Huemer, A. K. & Vollrath, M. (2011). Driver secondary tasks in Germany: Using interviews to estimate prevalence. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43(5), 1703-1712.

Huemer, A. K. & Vollrath, M. (2010). Alcohol-related impairment in the lane change task. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42(6), 1983-1988.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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