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Literaturliste von Dipl.-Psych. Lisa Wagner

letzte Aktualisierung: 19.02.2024

Gander, F. & Wagner, L. (2023). Which positive personality traits do people want to change? European Journal of Personality, 1-20.

Gander, F., Wagner, L., Vylobkova, V., Kretzschmar, A. & Ruch, W. (2023). Paragons of character - Character strengths and well-being of moral, creative, and religious exemplars. Journal of Personality, 1-38.

Ruggeri, K., Stock, F., Haslam, S. A., Capraro, V., Boggio, P., Ellemers, N., Cichocka, A., Douglas, K. M., Rand, D. G., van der Linden, S., Cikara, M., Finkel, E. J., Druckman, J. N., Wohl, M. J. A., Petty, R. E., Tucker, J. A., Shariff, A., Gelfand, M., Packer, D., Jetten, J., van Lange, P. A. M., Pennycook, G., Peters, E., Baicker, K., Crum, A., Weeden, K. A., Napper, L., Tabri, N., Zaki, J., Skitka, L., Kitayama, S., Mobbs, D., Sunstein, C. R., Ashcroft-Jones, S., Todsen, A. L., Hajian, A., Verra, S., Buehler, V., Friedemann, M., Hecht, M., Mobarak, R. S., Karakasheva, R., Tünte, M. R., Yeung, S. K., Rosenbaum, R. S., Lep, Z., Yamada, Y., Hudson, S.- k.- T.- J., Macchia, L., Soboleva, I., Dimant, E., Geiger, S. J., Jarke, H., Wingen, T., Berkessel, J. B., Mareva, S., McGill, L., Papa, F., Veckalov, B., Afif, Z., Buabang, E. K., Landman, M., Tavera, F., Andrews, J. L., Bursalioglu, A., Zupan, Z., Wagner, L., Navajas, J., Vranka, M., Kasdan, D., Chen, P., Hudson, K. R., Novak, L. M., Teas, P., Rachev, N. R., Galizzi, M. M., Milkman, K. L., Petrovic, M., van Bavel, J. J. & Willer, R. (2023). A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19. Nature, 625, 134-147.

Wagner, L. (2023). Welche Funktionen erfüllen Freundschaften in Kindheit und Jugend? P & E, 49(1), 30-33.

Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2023). Assessing character strengths. In W. Ruch, A. B. Bakker, L. Tay & F. Gander (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology assessment (pp. 101-121). Göttingen: Hogrefe Publishing.

Gander, F., Wagner, L., Amann, L. & Ruch, W. (2022). What are character strengths good for? A daily diary study on character strengths enactment. Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(5), 718-728.

Kretzschmar, A., Wagner, L., Gander, F., Hofmann, J., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2022). Character strengths and fluid intelligence. Journal of Personality, No. 12715.

Reinelt, T., Wermelinger, S., Beck, S., Brehm, J., Helbling, N., Manfredi, M., Moersdorf, L., Wagner, L. & Daum, M. M. (2022). Infancy researchers need to change the way they develop their measures: A comment on Byers-Heinlein et al. (2021). Infant and Child Development, No. e2322.

Vylobkova, V., Heintz, S., Gander, F., Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2022). Convergence and psychometric properties of character strengths measures: The VIA-IS and the VIA-IS-R. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1-8.

Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2022). Displaying character strengths in behavior is related to well-being and achievement at school: Evidence from between- and within-person analyses. Journal of Positive Psychology, 1-56.

Gander, F. & Wagner, L. (2021). Character growth following collective life events: A study on perceived and measured changes in character strengths during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Personality, 1-16.

Ruch, W., Gander, F., Wagner, L. & Giuliani, F. (2021). The structure of character: On the relationships between character strengths and virtues. Journal of Positive Psychology, 16(1), 116-128.

Ruggeri, K., Veckalov, B., Bojanic, L., Andersen, T. L., Ashcroft-Jones, S., Ayacaxli, N., Barea-Arroyo, P., Berge, M. L., Bjørndal, L. D., Bursalioglu, A., Bühler, V., Cedek, M., Çetinçelik, M., Clay, G., Cortijos-Bernabeu, A., Damnjanovi^D'c, K., Dugue, T. M., Esberg, M., Esteban-Serna, C., Felder, E. N., Friedemann, M., Frontera-Villanueva, D. I., Gale, P., Garcia-Garzon, E., Geiger, S. J., George, L., Girardello, A., Gracheva, A., Gracheva, A., Guillory, M., Hecht, M., Herte, K., Hubená, B., Ingalls, W., Jakob, L., Janssens, M., Jarke, H., Kácha, O., Kalinova, K. N., Karakasheva, R., Khorrami, P. R., Lep, Z., Lins, S., Lofthus, I. S., Mamede, S., Mareva, S., Mascarenhas, M. F., McGill, L., Morales-Izquierdo, S., Moltrecht, B., Mueller, T. S., Musetti, M., Nelsson, J., Otto, T., Paul, A. F., Pavlovic, I., Petrovi^D'c, M. B., Popovic, D., Prinz, G. M., Razum, J., Sakelariev, I., Samuels, V., Sanguino, I., Say, N., Schuck, J., Soysal, I., Todsen, A. L., Tünte, M. R., Vdovic, M., Vintr, J., Vovko, M., Vranka, M. A., Wagner, L., Wilkins, L., Willems, M., Wisdom, E., Yosifova, A., Zeng, S., Ahmed, M. A., Dwarkanath, T., Cikara, M., Lees, J. & Folke, T. (2021). The general fault in our fault lines. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1369-1380.

Wagner, L., Pindeus, L. & Ruch, W. (2021). Character strengths in the life domains of work, education, leisure, and relationships and their associations with flourishing. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 597534.

Baumann, D., Ruch, W., Margelisch, K., Gander, F. & Wagner, L. (2020). Character strengths and life satisfaction in later life: An analysis of different living conditions. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 15, 329-347.

Ruch, W., Heintz, S. & Wagner, L. (2020). Co-occurrence patterns of character strengths and measured core virtues in German-speaking adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 599094.

Wagner, L., Gander, F., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2020). Character strengths and PERMA: Investigating the relationships of character strengths with a multidimensional framework of well-being. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 15, 307-328.

Wagner, L., Holenstein, M., Wepf, H. & Ruch, W. (2020). Character strengths are related to students' achievement, flow experiences, and enjoyment in teacher-centered learning, individual, and group work beyond cognitive ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 1324.

Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2020). Trait cheerfulness, seriousness, and bad mood outperform personality traits of the five-factor model in explaining variance in humor behaviors and well-being among adolescents. Current Psychology, 1-12.

Ruch, W., Wagner, L. & Hofmann, J. (2019). A lexical approach to laughter classification: Natural language distinguishes six (classes of) formal characteristics. Current Psychology, 1-13.

Wagner, L. (2019). Good character is what we look for in a friend: Character strengths are positively related to peer acceptance and friendship quality in early adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 39(6), 864-903.

Wagner, L. (2019). The social life of class clowns: Class clown behavior is associated with more friends, but also more aggressive behavior in the classroom. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, No. 604.

Wagner, L. (2019). Von der Freundschaft. Warum andere Menschen von Bedeutung sind. Psychoscope, 40(6), 14-17.

Ruch, W., Heintz, S., Platt, T., Wagner, L. & Proyer, R. T. (2018). Broadening humor: Comic styles differentially tap into temperament, character, and ability. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 6.

Roberts, M. E., Wagner, L., Zorjan, S., Nemeth, E., van Toor, D. & Czaplinski, M. (2017). Testing the Situationism Scale in Europe: Scale validation, self-regulation and regional differences. International Journal of Psychology, 52(4), 264-272.

Ruch, W., Bruntsch, R. & Wagner, L. (2017). The role of character traits in economic games. Personality and Individual Differences, 108, 186-190.

Platt, T., Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2016). The association between class clown dimensions, school experiences and accomplishment. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 327-332.

Wagner, L., Baumann, N. & Hank, P. (2016). Enjoying influence on others: Congruently high implicit and explicit power motives are related to teachers' well-being. Motivation and Emotion, 40(1), 69-81.

Proyer, R. T. & Wagner, L. (2015). Playfulness in adults revisited. The signal theory in German speakers. American Journal of Play, 7(2), 201-227.

Ruch, W. & Wagner, L. (2015). Attribute des Lachens: Ein lexikalischer Ansatz. Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 37(1-2), 109-127.

Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2015). Good character at school: Positive classroom behavior mediates the link between character strengths and school achievement. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 610.

Wagner, L., Conrad, D., Gaji&#263, , , N., Kácha, O., Martinovi&#263, , , K., Skvortsova, A., van Doeselaar, L. & Voitenko, D. (2014). Examining adolescents well-being: How do the orientations to happiness relate to their leisure time activities? Journal of European Psychology Students, 5(2), 8-12.

Weber, M., Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2014). Positive feelings at school: On the relationships between students' character strengths, school-related affect, and school functioning. Journal of Happiness Studies.

Ruch, W. & Wagner, L. (2013). Die Positive Psychologie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Charakterstärken und das gute Leben. Psychologie und Erziehung, 39(1), 8-20.

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